REST Assignment 1 Steps: 1) Import the FortuneTellerREST project into Eclipse. 2) Run the JUnit tests to confirm the back-end service layer is working 3) Using the TimezoneREST project as an example create the following files: 3.1) Add a @Named annotation to the back-end service layer implementation so JBoss can use it for CDI (Context and Dependence Injection) 3.2) A JAX-RS configuration file setting the Application Path to: "api" 3.3) A "Singleton" endpoint class that will call the back-end service layer in the endpoint, Inject the back-end service layer and the ServletContext 4) Add the following methods with the appropriate mapping to the endpoint class 4.1) a method to return the Version of the API 4.2) a method to return a random Fortune 4.3) a method to return a specific Fortune 4.4) a method to return the number of Fortunes 5) Using the TimezoneRESTClient project as an example, create a Java application to interact with the REST Web Service invoking each the methods 6) Optional: can you add the following method to the back-end service, implement this method in the REST endpoint, and invoke the method from the client? List getListOfFortunes(int count); This method should return a collection of unique entries.