Assignment #9 Working with the Root Component Open a command Prompt to the C:\Humor folder and run: ng serve Then open a Browser to: http://localhost:4200 to see the application run In Angular we have the following Boot Flow: 1) in the C:\Humor\angular.json file it lists "index" : "src/index.html" <= the name of the single HTML file for the application "main" : "src/main.ts" <= the "startup" code 2) In the src/main.ts file it imports the AppModule from ./app/app.module (the .ts is implied) and lists the bootstrapModule as AppModule 3) In the src/app/app.module.ts file it imports the AppComponent from ./app.component and also lists this component in the bootstrap array 4) In the src/index.html it has this code: <= this is an Angular Component selector, and it tells Angular to insert the HTML from this component here Each Angular Component has the following: 1) a folder within src/app named after the component (the root component will not have this) 2) a .component.ts file <= this will have our code to put the data on the screen 3) a .component.html <= this will contain the HTML fragment displaying the data from the component 4) a .component.spec.ts <= the skeleton Jasmine Unit Test file 5) a Root Component Placeholder Save the file Then see the Command Prompt for the "live" recompile, and go to the Browser to see the new page. Stop the Angular Development Environment but pressing Control-C in the Command Prompt