Assignment 7 The secret to code is in the planning, so we are going to design the Humor Angular Application When designing a web application keep in mind the three critical questions: 1) What does the User need to see on the page 2) Where do we get this data? 3) How is the data presented to the User? Question #1 will tell us how many pages we need, question #2 will tell us what calls we need to make to the back-end Web Service, and question #3 will tells us what HTML components we need to put on the page. Steps: 1) we will need a "landing page" that the User will see when they open the application I think (you are encouraged to come up with your own design) we need: a header telling the User what this page is a set of links (navigation) to allow the User to change page contents I think we need the following links: Home (back to the "Landing Page" a Link for each of the 7 Humor categories we found in Assignment 3 a center section with a welcome message a footer showing the current date and a copyright statement 2) we will need to design a page to hold "Numbered" Humor types (we have 2 of these) it will need the same header and footer, so we are just designing the center section to support the "Numbered" content, remember in Assignment #3 we explored Numbered and found: The fields of a numbered type object: type: string number : integer message: string this page will need: a text-box for the User to enter which Humor record they would like to view a Button to make the request, a place (span tag?) to display the record number a place to display the record message maybe a button to request a Random Humor record we will also need a place to put messages, including a Record Not Found message 3) we will need a page to hold "Keyed" Humor types (we have 4 of these) refer to Assignment #3 to see the data and then you need to decide what HTML components will be used to display the data 4) will will also need a page to hold the "Dated" Humor type (we have 1 of these) refer to Assignment #3 to see the data and then you need to decide what HTML components will be used to display the data I suggest you grab a blank piece of paper and layout rectangles (in HTML each component occupies a rectangle on the page) to hold the data Angular (and HTML) uses components within components to layout a page do not forget a message component