Assignment 5 We will be creating a second Angular project to hold the example code from the Instructor Your Instructor will be sharing code files with you during class, you are going to copy these files into this "Example" project to avoid overwriting your code with the example code You are going to execute the first 3 steps from Assignment 3 1) Open a command prompt to C:\ (the root of the C drive) 2) Enter: ng new Humor-Example <= note the name you will be ask a series of questions to configure the new project answer with: 2.1) Stricter type checking: yes 2.2) Adding Angular Routing: yes 2.3) Stylesheet format: press enter to select CSS 3) You will now see Angular creating a number of files and folders in your project During class, as the Instructor shares files with you, make sure not to overwrite your code with these file, these Instructor example files will be copied intot he Humor-Example project Also during class when you edit an Angular config file (such as package.json) make sure you edit same config file in the example project also Pay attention to which project (folder) you are in when you edit/copy/run files/commands