Assignment 3 Angular is the front-end component for a complex web application, the back-end component is typically a REST style Web Service I have created a REST style Web Service to act as the back-end to our Angular application prior to class I installed: Java SE 8 JDK to support the web service we will be using Tomcat 9 to host the REST style Web Service I copied the HumorREST.war into the Tomcat webapps directory I created shortcuts on the Desktop to start and stop the Web Server this assignment is to become familiar with the back-end component we will be using during class Steps: 1) Start the Web Server by running the Desktop shortcut a command prompt will appear, do not close this window 2) Open a Browser to: http://localhost:8080/HumorREST you will see a information page describing the Web Service you will see the available URLs and data types supported by this Web Service listed 3) We are going to call some of the Web Service URLs and examine the results 3.1) Enter this URL: http://localhost:8080/HumorREST/api/category/list you will see a set of Json data showing the Humor categories offered by the Web Service Please note we have 7 categories of Humor, and each Category has: type : string name : string description : string id : string we will be creating a Typescript class to hold this data later Also please note there are 3 types of Humor: dated keyed numbered we will be creating Angular components (screens) to work with these types later 3.2) Enter this URL: http://localhost:8080/HumorREST/api/numbered/random/puns you will see a random pun, a numbered type Json object Please note the fields of a numbered type object: type: string number : integer message: string we will be creating a Typescript class to hold this data later 3.2) Enter this URL: http://localhost:8080/HumorREST/api/numbered/specific/puns/23 you will see a specific pun Json object 3.3) Enter this URL: http://localhost:8080/HumorREST/api/numbered/specific/puns/239 you will see an error Json object Please note an error object has a single field: message : string 4) Using the REST Web Service information page, obtain the following data: a random Fortune Cookie the Fortune Cookie numbered 113 a random Buzzword the Buzzword with the key of BLAMESTORMING the list of keys for the buzzword Humor type the Humor object for April 1st a random dated Humor object 5) Enter an invalid URL and see what you get back 6) Shutdown the Web Server when you are done exploring the REST Web Service run the Shutdown shortcut on the Desktop