Assignment 3 here are the URLs used in Assignment #3 http://localhost:8080/HumorREST <= the infroamtion page about the REST style Web Service http://localhost:8080/HumorREST/api/category/list <= returns a JSON object with an embedded array of Category Objects we will use this URL to build our menu in the Humor Application http://localhost:8080/HumorREST/api/numbered/random/puns <= returns a random Pun, we will use the URL in the Humor Application http://localhost:8080/HumorREST/api/numbered/specific/puns/23 <= return Pun #23, we will use this URL in the Humor Application, but we will get the Puns number from the HTML form the User will fill out http://localhost:8080/HumorREST/api/numbered/specific/puns/239 <= returns and Error object, we will need to handle errors in our Humor Application http://localhost:8080/HumorREST/api/numbered/random/fortunes <= a random Fortune Cookie http://localhost:8080/HumorREST/api/numbered/specific/fortunes/113 <= the Fortune Cookie numbered 113 http://localhost:8080/HumorREST/api/keyed/random/buzzwords <= a random Buzzword http://localhost:8080/HumorREST/api/keyed/specific/buzzwords/BLAMESTORMING <= the Buzzword with the key of BLAMESTORMING http://localhost:8080/HumorREST/api/keyed/keys <= the list of keys for the buzzword Humor type http://localhost:8080/HumorREST/api/dated/specific/stickers/4/1 <= the Humor object for April 1st http://localhost:8080/HumorREST/api/dated/random/stickers <= a random dated Humor object http://localhost:8080/HumorREST/apix/dated/random/stickers <= a HTTPS 404 error