Assignment 1 To work with Angular we require a number of software tools installed, this assignment is to verify everything we require is installed and ready to use. Please note you will to need to install anything on the lab machine, the instructions show here are for you information, and if you need to replace the environment elsewhere. 1) We require a Web Browser to test our Angular Application open a Web Browser of your choice to: to confirm you have a working Web Browser try several Web Browsers if they are installed, as using multiple Web Browsers allows us to test our application in several environments 2) We require Node.js installed, as Angular uses Node to manage it's dependencies Node is downloaded from and we require version 14.x or later to verify Node is installed, open a Command Prompt and enter: node -v 3) Node has an integrated Package Manage named npm, and we will use it to add 3rd party frameworks to our Angular application The Node Package Manage (npm) is installed when we install Node, to verify the installation, open a Command Prompt and enter: npm -v npm should be version 6.14.x or later 4) Node uses Git to manage the release process, so we will need to verify the GIT installation Git is downloaded from to verify GIT is installed, open a command Prompt and enter: git --version GIT will need two configurations: a user name, and an email to verify these are set, open a Command Prompt and enter: git config --list for this training class, the user name and email may be a dummy value 5) Angular uses an updated version of JavaScript named Typescript we use Node to install Typescript, via the command: npm install –g typescript to verify Typescript is installed, open a Command Prompt and enter: tsc -version Typescript should be version 4.4.x or later 6) Next we need Angular CLI (Command Line Interface) installed, again we use Node to do this the command to install Angular 11 is: npm install –g @angular/cli@11 to verify Angular CLI is installed, open a Command Prompt and enter: ng version Angular CLI should be 11.x or later 7) Finally we will need a smart text editor that supports Typescript In class we will use Visual Code from Microsoft, it can be downloaded from: to verify Visual Code is installed, start Visaul Code from the Windows Programs menu